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GAPC 2017: How an oncologist approached tobacco control and key learnings for NCDs

At the Global Alcohol Policy Conference 2017 (GAPC 2017), Dr Bronwyn King, Chief Executive Officer of Tobacco Free Portfolios outlined her accidental career change – from clinical oncologist to Founder and CEO of a Not-For-Profit.

In her presentation, Dr King talked about how she collaborated with the finance sector to draw attention to and drive action on the global tobacco epidemic. Since its inception, Tobacco Free Portfolios has been instrumental in approximately $8 billion being redirected away from investment in the tobacco industry; banks have changed lending practices; and insurers have reconsidered commercial relationships. Now working with more than 100 financial institutions in ten countries, Tobacco Free Portfolios is on a journey of education, collaboration and influence.

In this video interview, Dr King talks about her accidental career change, shares key messages from her GAPC presentation and valuable insights on how her experiences can translate to meaningful change in other areas that present global health challenges.

Dr Bronwyn King shares insights from her GAPC2017 presentation from FAREAustralia on Vimeo.


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