Drink Tank

Coordinating a new approach to alcohol-related harm

In countries and communities around the world, public spaces are often made unsafe because of pervasive violence fuelled by alcohol. Alcohol harm expert Maik Düennbier believes ‘The New Urban Agenda’ is an opportunity to facilitate stronger advocacy to prevent and reduce alcohol-related violence.

“It is an opportunity to forge a coordinated approach to promoting healthy lifestyles and resilient, inclusive urban environments that enable well-being,” said Mr Düennbier.

Maik Düennbier is the Director of Strategy and Advocacy at IOGT International, the premier global network for evidence-based policy measures and community-based interventions to prevent and reduce harm caused by alcohol and other drugs.

In his Global Alcohol Policy Conference (GAPC) workshop Advocacy Opportunities to tackle alcohol harm through the New Urban Agenda, Mr Düennbier discussed how novel advocacy approaches and projects adapt in other cultures and communities.

In his second workshop, Addressing alcohol as obstacle to development in the Agenda 2030 – Advocacy avenues, Mr Düennbier assessed avenues for engagement, opportunities for collaboration and case examples of alcohol industry interference, to stimulate discussion about effective ways forward.

“To be effective advocates within the policy area of sustainable development, it is essential to understand the language, adapt our messages, use specific evidence for different target groups and safeguard global, regional and national implementation processes from alcohol industry influence,” said Mr Düennbier.

In this short video, filmed at GAPC 2017 in Melbourne, Mr Düennbier will provide further insight into in the future of The New Urban Agenda and the Agenda2030.

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Drink Tank aims to generate meaningful commentary and debate about alcohol policy, and to provide a platform for all members of the Australian community to share their views and concerns.

Our goal is for the Drink Tank community to engage in robust discussion about alcohol, highlighting a broad spectrum of views and voices, and ultimately to raise the profile of alcohol as an issue of national importance.

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