Drink Tank
Alcohol-free at 1D

Alcohol-free at 1D

Exactly one week ago from right this very second I was having the time of my life.

I am a fourteen year-old girl who isn’t afraid of showing the whole world what she likes and also what she hates. I’m a Directioner, a cheerleader and I love my phone.

Last weekend I went to the One Direction concert in Sydney, an event that I had been looking forward to for over a year. Now this wasn’t the first time I had been to a concert (that was The Veronicas when I was 10), but it was my friend’s first concert experience.

When we got to the Olympic Park in Homebush we had absolutely no idea where we were going, so we just followed the loud noise and we got to exactly where we wanted to be. We then decided that we couldn’t scream our hearts out all night without food in our tummy.

We ate our double chicken burger meals from Oporto’s and went to sit in the park and people watch.

There was this one girl in full Directioner mode, who was holding a beer and it got me thinking, “why would you want to drink on a night like this? You don’t need alcohol to have an “amaZayn” night. All you need is excitement, friends, florescent lights, and of course “extraordinHarry” music!

When we were entering the concert the security guards took our bottles of Coke off us. At the time I thought it was totally unreasonable but, now that I think about it, it is fair enough they took them off us.

See, you can look at this two ways. The negative was they took our drinks so we have to pay inside for another. But the positive is that we could have been sneaking something into the concert in the bottles. So, technically they could’ve been saving our lives.

At the end of the day I can tell you that the concert was so exhilarating and fun, and the only thing I’d drunk was excitement.

Jade Frew

Jade Frew is a 14 year-old from Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt Campus in Sydney. She's a One Direction fan, a Cheerleader, and a big sister to a three year-old boy and 12 week-old girl. She loves hanging out with her friends, eating olives and going to the beach. Jade thinks you don't need alcohol to have the best night of your life.

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